Whether it’s a juicy pork chop or a tender beef tenderloin, for many people meat is simply part of a successful BBQ. But not always succeeds the “perfect” steak as in the herb butter advertising. So that you never have to worry about dry or bitter meat again, we have compiled our concentrated knowledge on the subject of “grilling pork and beef”:

The best parts of the pig for the grill

How do I get pork grilled well done without it drying out?

Don’t turn it up too hot. While pork must always be cooked through, as it can be tainted with trichinae. Eating meat that is too raw can transmit the parasitic nematodes to humans. But already at a core temperature of 65 degrees the beasts die. However, if you roast the meat longer, you not only kill the bacteria, but also the taste.

If the pork (for example fillet) is very fresh, it may still be slightly pink inside. Otherwise: better roast well done.

Which parts of the beef are the most noble?

The best that beef has to offer for the barbecue are tenderloin and sirloin: lean, finely fibrous and yet juicy. But everything else is not to be sneezed at either. Here is an overview of the most important cuts and their use in the kitchen:

Do I have to “treat” a steak somehow before grilling it?

No, basically you just put it on the grill. But get it out of the fridge in time and let it rest at room temperature for about half an hour before you really heat it up. This way it stays nice and tender. The cooking time depends very much on the size. A 200-gram steak 2 to 3 centimeters thick needs about 4 minutes per side until it is medium.

How to get the typical steak crust without burning the meat?

Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, this is what the perfect steak looks like. The brown crust is created by the so-called Maillard reaction. Behind this is a series of chemical processes that not only ensure browning, but also the typical steak flavor. In order for the reaction to take place optimally and for the steak to look and taste good, the grill must be very hot. If the steak is moist, there will be too much steam and the browning process will not start properly. So, pat the meat well before putting it on the grill.

Why does my meat turn gray under the crust and only pink further inside?

Grilling a steak only takes a few minutes. It can happen that the meat is crispy on the outside, nice and pink on the inside – but unsightly gray in between. This is due to the fact that the heat is not distributed quickly and evenly enough. You can prevent this with a simple trick: flip, flip, flip – at least 3 times and depending on the thickness of the piece about every 2 minutes.

Can you also prepare a burger on the grill?

A burger from the grill not only much healthier than from the fast food chain, but also sensationally delicious. The path to the ultimate burger experience begins with shopping: Only the freshest minced meat belongs in the patty (that’s what the burger patty is called). The best way is to buy a piece of beef from the butcher and let it go through the grinder.

During preparation: always handle the mince with care, do not knead too hard! Press the mince loosely together so that it does not fall apart and form it into a patty about 2 centimeters thick. With your thumb or a teaspoon, lightly press in the center so the pattie doesn’t swell too much when grilled, and then place on the grate.

Important: The grill must not be too hot, the meat cooks best at medium heat through. The burger is perfect when it is crispy on the outside and pink on the inside. Tip: Briefly grill the bun on the grill from the inside and outside.

Is there a trick to keep the pattie nice and juicy on the grill?

It’s not that easy, but with these tricks, it’s sure to work:

  1. Let it rest: Give the pattie a rest before putting it on the grill. Take the prepared patties out of the refrigerator 15 minutes earlier and let them rest at room temperature. This way, the meat won’t get too cold on the grill and will be juicier.
  2. Season late: If you salt the ground beef before shaping the burgers, the sodium chloride in the salt will break down the protein strands and make the pattie hard and firm on the grill. Better to salt and pepper it just before it lands on the grill.
  3. Add cheese: Grill the pattie for about 4 minutes, until it is toasted and the pattern from the grill is crispy. Then flip the pattie over and top with a slice of cheese. Now grill the burger for another 4 minutes until the cheese begins to melt. The melting cheese prevents the pattie from drying out too much. Add bacon (grilled bacon) to taste, tomato, cucumber and 1 lettuce leaf on top, and off to the bun!

You don’t have to be a professional to cut a good figure at the grill. Just follow our tips! If you are unsure and want to do everything right, it is best to get a barbecue thermometer to measure the core temperatures, then really nothing can go wrong!
